Bye-Bye Double Chin: Two Breakthrough Non-surgical Treatments That Will Amaze!

Double chins are notoriously hard to shed. Thanks to their inconvenient location, exercising that part of the body is difficult, uncomfortable and at times, ridiculous-looking (bird-like, to be exact). For some, the neck exercises can be painful due to prior injuries or age-related spinal ailments that restrict movement. Even people with healthy diets are sometimes […]
How to Get the Most Out of Your SculpSure Treatment

We are often asked, “How can I get the most out of my SculpSure treatment? Are there any diet or exercise tips that will help me after my SculpSure treatment?” The answer is, there are a number of things you can do to boost your results immediately following treatment. SculpSure permanently destroys fat cells underneath […]
Three Anti-Aging Treatments for the Ages

Keeping your skin looking healthy and youthful can be quite the task in these cold winter months. Cold temperatures can wreck havoc on our skin, leading to dry and cracked skin that makes wrinkles and fold lines more noticeable. Luckily, there are a few options to combat the cold, and RVC Medical is here to […]
Kick Your Diet into Overdrive with SculpSure®!

With those winter holidays right around the corner, now is usually the time we begin contemplating that holiday diet. For many, the days after Thanksgiving are usually filled with thoughts of diet and exercise. Perhaps it was the second helping of the delicious sweet-potato casserole your cousin always brings that spurred these thoughts. Whatever that […]
Understanding the Power of Vegetables

Everyone has probably heard that you need to “eat your vegetables” because “vegetables are good for you,” at some point in life. Most people also know they should probably eat more vegetables than they presently do. For those that just love veggies and have no problem working them into your daily routine, keep at it! […]
Double-chin? This non-surgical treatment will surprise you!

We love staying on top of the latest trends and equipment here at RVC Medical. Over the last couple weeks there has been some exciting news coming from CynoSure, makers of the wonderful, non-surgical laser fat reduction treatment. CynoSure has a reputation of pushing the limits of technology, which is what makes this news so […]
Healthy Skin: The Secret of an Ageless Wonder

Most people overlook the important role that healthy skin plays in our overall well-being. Skin is our body’s largest organ, and in addition to protecting our internal organs from harm, skin functions as a filter of sorts, taking in oxygen and expelling toxins in the form of sweat. In fact, recent studies show that our […]
Eyelash Therapy: Latisse to the rescue!

Some people live their lives with thin, short eyelashes. For others, as we age our eyelashes naturally begin to thin, leaving us lustful for those full, beautiful eyelashes of our youth. Thankfully, there are now options! Latissse is the first FDA-approved treatment for thinning eyelashes, and women are absolutely thrilled about it’s results! Latisse is […]
SculpSure Open House – Enter To Win A FREE Juvederm® Treatment!
Come and join us on Thursday October 12th from 4:30-7:00pm at RVC Medical in Issaquah for an informative session about SculpSure, the latest laser body sculpting treatment. Watch SculpSure in action! We will be performing a LIVE demonstration of the SculpSure treatment, and enter to win a FREE Juvederm® treatment, along with many other great […]
The Secret to Staying Healthy: Eat Healthy!

It’s no wonder people consider “diet” to be among the worst four-letter words. The truth is, what you take in for energy has a direct correlation to your overall health. Quality of food is certainly important, but don’t think you can’t eat well on a budget. In fact, healthy foods are becoming more and more […]